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  2. USGA Admin Portal

How to View a Template Report

If you need to create a report for your club, you have the ability to choose from pre-built report Templates within the USGA Admin Portal.

This section provides an overview of a User’s ability to view a template reports.

NOTE: All template reports provide the end user with real-time data.


  1. From the homepage, click “Reports” on the top navigation bar
  2. Click the “Template Reports” tab
  3. Find the desired report from the available list and click “View”.
  4. Update filters as desired and click “Submit” to run the report.
  5. The Report Viewer window will then open in a new tab for the User to interact with

Report Viewer Interactions (refer to screenshot above)

  1. Exporting report
  2. Show Filter panel to do further report interaction
  3. Search the document for a key word
  4. Page through report (when >1 page)
  5. Confirm Footer
    1. Report execution date/time